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The second project explores the external networks in which the firms participate, interviewing representatives of suppliers, customers, banks, employment agencies and others on their relations with services small firms.
Mr. Brodeur did not interview the health officials or representatives of the utility.
The author, who has interviewed former Government officials as well as representatives of the antiwar movement, shows just how far Washington went to quell dissent.
The group chose the name GET-UP and began interviewing representatives from national unions.
During her yearlong research, Ms. Slavin said, she interviewed descendants of the show's subjects as well as representatives from local historical societies, libraries and synagogues.
Mr. Ruddock was to meet today with members of an independent body on immigration detention in Australia, who visited the camp earlier this week and interviewed representatives of the protest group.
The boy's mother said that the human rights commission had interviewed representatives from the school board, but not the family.
Twentyeight people were interviewed, representatives of roughly half the households in the catchment area.
But this otherwise excellent article is flawed because you interview only representatives of pro-choice groups and accept without challenge their contention that those opposed to abortion do not care about women's rights or opportunities.
As rapporteurs, we had the opportunity to interview staff representatives and representatives of the institutions. We found the Commission had done good work.