Changes in the focus of dietary intervention research and public health nutrition policy have occurred during the period of implementation of the 5 A Day Program.
Animal-assisted intervention research has shown that animal-assisted therapy with a dog can increase a person with Alzheimer's disease's social behaviours, such as smiling and laughing.
ITT analysis is intended to avoid various misleading artifacts that can arise in intervention research such as non-random attrition of participants from the study or crossover.
Task force 3: Prevention and intervention research in primary care which covers all health systems, policy, and primary care research.
Case studies are also a particular mode of social science investigation that is especially appropriate to intervention research.
Traditionally, intervention research, whether preventive or therapeutic, has focused on the absence or reduction of symptoms of mental illness.
Incorporate the perspectives of the family, immediate community, and providers into intervention research from the initial stages of development.
Further develop adaptive designs for psychosocial and biomedical intervention research that include patient preference.
Robert Woolard favored continuing intervention research in EDs.