Improve the effectiveness of the intervention model, capacity and efficiency in addressing common crime and organized crime.
Her work also focuses on developing early intervention models for toddlers with autism that help to improve a child's social, language, and cognitive skills.
In medical intervention models you talk to patients, you talk to care givers about the interventions you are using.
This model also serves as the basis for response to intervention models.
Concurrent to these studies, HIV prevention programs were initiated in those same cities using a peer led intervention model.
It's an early intervention model, and students clamor to get into the course.
Another model that utilizes positive education in school is the response to intervention model.
The proposed intervention model has proven successful because the treatment combines the therapy aspect with that of prevention, research and rehabilitation.
Due to emergency department time constraints, so-called "brief motivational interventions" are the intervention model most likely to be successfully implemented.
Research support should be primarily for services research, not the development of new intervention models or prototypes.