Another intervention designed to reduce drinking amongst student athletes had similar results, reducing misperceptions of alcohol consumption.
There is no one universal set of behavioural interventions designed to reduce stress in children with GID.
Tobacco prevention programs represent interventions designed to increase awareness of the social influences facing youth.
The early identification and exposure to interventions designed to divert young men from criminal offending is clearly in the public interest.
One hundred years of social intervention designed to raise I.Q. have been largely unsuccessful.
The third step, response, has the police develop and implement interventions designed to rectify the problems.
They range from individual therapy to public health programmes to interventions designed for foster carers.
These students benefit from tutors, mentors, after-school programs, academic support and other evidence-based interventions designed to achieve specific outcomes.
She has also served as a consultant for a federal initiative on interventions designed to reduce prejudice and to promote inclusion in U.S. elementary schools.
Rapid Re-Housing is a relatively recent innovation in social policy that is an intervention designed to help those who are homeless.