A degenerate well-formed collection are scales in which the generator and the interval required to complete the circle or return to the initial note are equivalent and include all scales with equal notes, such as the whole-tone scale.
I was no soldier, only a matrix technician, and I fully intended to return to Arilinn at the end of the three-year interval required now by law.
The unit of time measured is the natural interval required for electricity to be converted into mechanical energy and back again.
Moving into the living room, The Shadow calculated the interval required for the Brother to be clear of helpless men.
Therefore the interval required for stock prices to adjust to new information is reduced when insiders trade (Demsetz, 1969a, p.14)(emphasis added).
Similarly, adult homes would have to be inspected once every six months during the first year of operation and then annually thereafter, rather than at the six-month intervals now required.
Mr. Duarte suggested holding the vote on April 30, leaving less than half the interval apparently required by the Constitution.
The periodic time of the moon is the interval required for one circuit of its orbit.
"Routine inspections of foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers," the report said, "occur with far less frequency than the two-year interval required for domestic manufacturers."
The study, led by researchers at the Mayo Clinic and published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, suggests that some states could shorten the "seizure-free interval" required of such drivers before privileges are reinstated.