A raccoon can be relied on to remember for up to half a minute; this interval increases as animals with a more complex nervous system are chosen.
The volume of transactions can be set to increase at defined intervals to increase load during a test, in an effort to identify system bottlenecks.
As the interval (a,b) increases, the contribution of the constant term grows in proportion.
Shorter intervals and longer durations increase habituation, and vice versa.
All the interval has been increasing and deepening my social knowledge, replacing crude and second-hand impressions by felt and realised distinctions.
If a woman 30 or older has had three normal test results in a row, the interval can increase to every two to three years.
The first canon is at the unison, and the intervals between the parts in the other canons increase uniformly through the ninth.
Now this interval has increased to thirteen months.
The Queen seemed enfeebled and nothing could tempt her to eat more than a few mouthfuls and the intervals between these were increasing.
They found that as the interval increased, the number of times that the monkeys chose the more risky reward decreased.