Its natural habitats are swamps, intertidal marshes, and pastureland.
Its natural habitats are estuarine waters and intertidal marshes.
Its natural habitats are swamps, shallow seas, and intertidal marshes.
Its natural habitats are shallow seas, subtidal aquatic beds, estuarine waters, intertidal marshes, and coastal saline lagoons.
Its natural habitat is intertidal marshes.
As the land returns to a functioning intertidal marsh, flocks of seasonally driven migratory birds and young fish will use the restored habitat.
To help prevent the further degradation of the intertidal marsh, the planned road work includes a retention basin to collect surface runoff.
Not only will the retention basin help prevent further degradation of the intertidal marsh, it will improve the quality of the marsh.
Its natural habitats include freshwater lakes, intertidal marshes, river banks, and open fields.
Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical mangrove forests, sandy shores, intertidal marshes, and coastal saline lagoons.