The young ones are in no position to build and man interstellar vessels.
A rescue party from Earth travelling in a Superswift, an interstellar vessel equipped with a faster-than-light drive system, has arrived on the Moon.
The interstellar vessel S. Ya.
He categorizes the ships as escort vehicles and not interstellar vessels.
The most glamorous space going casino ever conceived, an interstellar vessel overflowing with decadence and luxuries.
As visiting interstellar vessels slowed from their headlong pace across the galaxy and spiraled in toward planetary orbit, the world before them became even more inviting.
An interstellar vessel, obviously, for we have found it in the deep between the stars.
It wasn't until after the Eugenics Wars that any major attempt was made at constructing interstellar vessels.
But interstellar vessels of any kind were products of an advanced technical culture which must cover, or shortly hope to cover, many solar systems.
It provided information to all interstellar vessels, both military and civilian, regarding the potentially hazardous spots along known routes.