These routes made interstellar trade and eventually the establishment of the Republic possible.
That was how interstellar trade should work.
Earth is new to interstellar trade, and a handful of ships have gone out into the wider galactic society.
The products of those clever hands, the tiny instruments, the delicate microminiaturized control circuits, the incredibly fine lacework and tapestries, formed the bulk of Santos' interstellar trade.
Not in an absolute sense- there may be totally different cultures using identical tools -but the tools settle the possibilities: you can't have interstellar trade without spaceships.
The UN's ongoing campaign against kzinti interstellar trade was strangling their empire.
A radical separatist party was creeping forward in the polls, promising to shut off interstellar trade.
Space trade is interplanetary or interstellar trade.
What you can't do is prohibit or tax interstellar trade, or set prices for it, or touch any property acquired through interstellar trade.
Destroy much interstellar trade, which is interdependent, by everybody just sitting on their hands for a few months.