Although the Dignity Village residents had voted among themselves not to leave the site under the interstate bridge, creating fears of a confrontation, most moved without incident when the deadline arrived on Wednesday.
This is also the period during which many of the existing interstate bridges were built.
Citizens in Virginia demanded that Congress pick up cost, arguing this was an interstate bridge and therefore a national concern.
This afternoon in central Missouri, traffic was moving, albeit slowly, over the interstate bridge at Rocheport, and Gov. Mel Carnahan said his state had averted a major problem.
Additionally, the bridges are approximately 2300 ft (700m) in length, making them two of the longest interstate bridges in the state.
Furthermore, A second interstate bridge Just east of the Kennedy Bridge is planned, adding to the existing noise pollution problems in the area.
Structurally deficient bridges in the state included 7% of the interstate bridges, 15.9% of the town bridges and 20.4% of the state bridges.
Many municipal police departments have created special patrols and task forces, and county and state police officers have set up checkpoints on highways and near interstate bridges and tunnels.
In 1899, the Oswego Bridge Company constructed an iron structure, which lasted until the present interstate bridge was completed in 1953.
The bridge was never intended to be an interstate bridge, and when the federal government took it over, they promised to replace the bridge at a later date.