Their legal actions have included lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of statutes, interstate agreements, and onerous regulations, and suing government agencies to force the disclosure of public information.
Others in Parliament said that while lawmakers could not directly reject the deal, they could challenge related interstate agreements with Russia, including those setting the amounts of gas supplied.
The Federal courts disagree on whether the same principle should bar habeas corpus review under the interstate agreement.
Last week, 18 state tax collectors met in Chicago to announce an interstate agreement establishing uniform sales tax rules.
However, Mr. Grasso's transfer to Oklahoma was only temporary under an interstate agreement that requires his return to the original state.
The interstate agreement is concluded without fixing the FRL of the reservoir.
Ms. Hattala is working with environmental officials from other states to amend an interstate agreement on shad management to include standards for the "coastal intercept" fishery.
The basic argument for New Jersey's territorial claim is in a 160-year-old interstate agreement that made Ellis Island, then three acres, part of New York.
Major interstate agreements include:
These Compacts are interstate agreements that provide for the uniform tracking, placement, and supervision of juveniles and children that move across state lines.