That is, polygraphy is mainly useful as a prop in the interrogation process.
One reason the interrogation process has dragged on for months and months, however, is that joint-task-force investigators are not the only ones doing the questioning.
Piro discussed the interrogation process during an interview on the television news magazine 60 Minutes in January 2008.
However, false confessions do occur, therefore there must be some flaws in the interrogation process.
Currently, the defense lawyers play a minimal role in the interrogation process.
"This is part of the interrogation process."
"Leverage is the key," the detective said, describing the interrogation process.
General Miller offered details of the interrogation process.
They already have one, he said, adding, "The interrogation process itself provides an opportunity for an individual to explain that this has all been a mistake."
The interrogation process was slow, and it was tedious.