In the future, the report urged, all government agencies operating in Iraq should have to follow a uniform set of interrogation practices.
Deceptive police interrogation practices: How far is too far?
Hess's self-serving claim that he hadn't participated in the "more brutal interrogation practices" is nothing new.
C.I.A. officials say they have ended harsh interrogation practices used on secret detainees.
Other critics describe it as an anti-torture exposure of interrogation practices.
According to Justice Souter's opinion, the two-step interrogation practice was becoming increasingly popular among police departments.
Those who spoke of the interrogation practices at the naval base did so under the condition that their identities not be revealed.
Trying to paint Israeli interrogation practices as merely an intellectual game is clearly a denial of the facts.
"This is standard interrogation practice," he said.
The lawsuit seeks a court order barring the police from continuing these interrogation practices.