There are, then, two interpretive traditions with legitimate claims to historical correctness.
As in his recent Bach performances, Mr. Feltsman approaches the music with what seems a healthy skepticism about the received interpretive tradition.
In this he followed 3rd-century Jewish interpretive traditions, whereas Hippolytus ignored them.
Each chapter concludes with another summary, this one incorporating the interpretive traditions.
The rest of the set shows Szell fulfilling his perceived mandate to preserve a central European interpretive tradition.
"We share many of the same stories, but the interpretive traditions are substantially different, and even the canonical order of the books creates different texts," she said.
Psychoanalytic reading has been practiced since the early development of psychoanalysis itself, and has developed into a heterogeneous interpretive tradition.
He concluded that there is not yet an interpretive tradition within science and society about this Epic of Evolution.
Such polar opposites stir things up and encourage critical reappraisals of interpretive traditions.
In this he followed third-century Jewish interpretive traditions.