A source-language interpreter interprets the text to a language common to every interpreter, who then render the message to their respective target languages.
In the case of interviews recorded outside the studio and some current affairs programme, the interpreter interprets what he or she hears on a TV monitor.
The interpreter interprets the dream as a love allegory; the bull represents the poet, the heifer a girl, and the crow an old woman.
An interpreter directive is a computer language construct that is used to control which interpreter parses and interprets the instructions in a computer program.
An interpreter might well use the same lexical analyzer and parser as the compiler and then interpret the resulting abstract syntax tree.
An interpreter written in IL interprets a line of Tiny Basic code and executes it.
The interpreter stood stolidly there and interpreted verbatim.
Some interpreters even interpret source code, without the step of first compiling to bytecode, with even worse performance.
The interpreter interprets: "Director Xie says the performance is good."
Later Jewish interpreters interpreted this figure as the Jewish messiah.