Another interpretation suggests that the name was derived from ave feliz.
The traditional interpretations of this card suggest pride, oppression, and bankruptcy.
"The more specific an interpretation suggested by a picture, the less happy I am with it," he has said.
It has often been thought to be a death scene, but some other interpretations have suggested the shroud covers a pair of lovers.
Some interpretations of the play suggest that we are meant to see him as more suited to the role of king than Hamlet is.
This interpretation suggested that the equilibrium is neither instantaneous, nor global, but rather local in space and time.
Another interpretation suggests that it comes from the local word risje, which is a name for a type of grass.
A modern interpretation suggests that the request concerned her second marriage to Patricius.
One interpretation suggests this was while his father still nominally ruled.
The interpretation I heard suggested that you were suggesting that he was lying.