The train control equipment was fitted beneath the centre seats, and consisted of a "black box", which interpreted signals received from the running rails.
An oil company might use stereo 3-D for interpreting and displaying seismic signals as they bounce through the earth.
Humans send and interpret such signals almost entirely subconsciously.
There may be a period of heightened awareness, during which each animal interprets behavioral signals from the other.
Electrodes placed on the skin can interpret signals and then control the prosthetic limb.
He gives seminars to corporate executives on improving their memory skills and interpreting nonverbal signals from business opponents.
The investigation found the cause of the accident to be human error when interpreting signals.
The main cause of the accident was blamed on human error when interpreting signals.
Interpreting the electrical traces and distinguishing signals from noise is another problem.
She has what she says is a typical survivor problem, difficulty interpreting signals and reacting appropriately.