His extraordinary breadth of knowledge allowed him to interpret ideas from a variety of sources and made him a true renaissance man.
Normally a religion has some sacred or holy texts, which serve as an authoritative guide to interpreting actions and ideas as either good or bad.
Bennett interprets ideas of transnational advocacy developed by Keck & Sikkink and places them in the context of a world with low information costs, and high state consolidation.
Another potential opportunity, he added, would be "to take advantage of our global scale and scope" by running ads that would "interpret locally great ideas" resonating among consumers in many countries at once.
As a classical scholar, his scorn of littlenesses sometimes led him into the neglect of minutiæ, but he had the higher merit of interpreting ideas.
Nonetheless, the more involved Chasidic texts interpret Kabbalistic ideas extensively, and relate them to personal spirituality.
They should be shown how to interpret and evaluate characterisation, ideas and themes across the range of texts, how to cross-refer between texts, and how to make comparisons.
Philosophers such as Giorgio Agamben and Mark Kingwell have interpreted Gould's life and ideas.
His flair for interpreting ideas into powerful and gripping images, have earned him much admiration and copious International acclaim.
Elkin interpreted a link between Indigenous Australian culture and Buddhist ideas such as reincarnation.