"Talked", of course, was a misnomer where interplanetary distances were concerned, but no one had come up with an acceptable alternative.
For a moment, they sat looking at each other, as if across an interplanetary distance.
For an interstellar ship, Premier, interplanetary distances are short.
Right now we're orbiting the sun about nine hundred thousand miles from Earth - right next door, as interplanetary distances go.
But this was an empathic system, meant for interplanetary distances.
But they'd been used to cross interplanetary distances in the first solar system.
He wanted space around him, the reach,of interplanetary distance, not "F the oppressive weight of a liquid.
Time passed, for interplanetary distances were great.
At this rate interplanetary distances are readily negotiable-with proper manipulation of the sail, I need hardly say.
Not unusual; the sleep that spans interplanetary distances is not lightly thrown off.