The programs in this internationally financed series, filmed in 11 countries over a five-year period and narrated by George Page, are being offered weekly this month in two-hour segments.
It is virtually impossible to track the amount of internationally financed co-productions because there are so many outlets for them.
The final site for the internationally financed project, either South Africa or Australia, is scheduled to be announced in March.
Despite extensive internationally financed programs to upgrade the harbors at Moroni and Mutsamudu, by the early 1990s only Mutsamudu was operational as a deepwater facility.
A more straightforward way to provide humanitarian relief is to do just that, through an internationally financed effort limited to milk, food and medicine.
Fewer than 30,000 are in internationally financed and managed camps.
Classes were conducted at Aina, an internationally financed, independent media organization based in Kabul.
If anything is going to be learned from the failure of the supercollider it is that such large projects must be internationally financed and controlled.
Speaking to reporters on Monday, the United States ambassador, Ronald E. Neumann, acknowledged that citizens' expectations for internationally financed reconstruction projects were running high, for everything from public works to a functional justice system.
He played a crucial role in the organization of rubber tappers to defend their livelihood in the Amazon against ranchers, timber merchants, land speculators and large internationally financed development projects.