Robert Lawrence Kuhn (born 1944) is an international corporate strategist, investment banker, and public intellectual.
"We're already running a trade surplus with Europe, and that should increase as Germany reconstructs," says Steven Nagourney, chief international strategist at Lehman Brothers.
"To an extent, it is still the same question," Martin Paling, international strategist for James Capel Inc. in London said about the uncertainty of war.
"The political and economic lenses are very different," said Douglas Johnston, Merrill Lynch's senior international strategist, in an understatement.
"Everyone is looking for exports, but nobody can see where growth is coming from," says Steven Nagourney, Lehman Brothers' international strategist.
"Europe will split off," predicted David Roche, international strategist at Morgan Stanley & Company in London.
"I think it will have a negative psychological impact on consumers," said Steven Nagourney, the chief international strategist for Lehman Brothers.
"Everybody has been conditioned to believe these crises provide buying opportunities," commented Barton Biggs, Morgan Stanley's international strategist.
Ken Marlin is an American investment banker and international strategist.
"There is always the risk of unexpected developments in any kind of investing," notes Barton Biggs, the chief international strategist for Morgan Stanley.