Iraq said it was able to extract plutonium from a nuclear installation under international safeguards.
If its new Government wants renewed aid and improved ties, it can start paying attention to international safeguards.
India says it imports heavy water from the Soviet Union under international safeguards.
North Korea may accept international nuclear safeguards and is proposing new arms cuts.
If such a technology were developed, can any international safeguards be envisioned that have a reliability commensurate with the risk?
Perhaps by then we will have adequate international safeguards as well.
The Russians insisted that these were to provide power for civilian use and would be under international safeguards.
Just a few days ago the end came for any faith in present international nuclear "safeguards," as they are amusingly called.
Argentina and Brazil signed an agreement today for international safeguards to prevent nuclear technology from being used to make weapons.
Because of its involvement in the nuclear weapons programme, the site was not subject to international safeguards until 1998.