A decade of international ostracism ended.
Nevertheless, Venezuela must now face the prospect of international ostracism, with the international labor groups warning of possible trade sanctions.
Evoking the possibility of penalties and international ostracism, he insisted that the country would continue its nuclear activities and urged Iranians to brace for tough times.
Their conduct warrants international ostracism and economic sanctions until they yield power, then generous and muscular support for the elected government that replaces them.
Spain's sympathy for the Axis resulted in its international ostracism in the years following World War II.
In recent days it has pursued a relatively risk-free policy of seeking international ostracism of the regime.
As a result Brazil has now reached the brink of hyperinflation, political chaos and international financial ostracism.
But with remarkable speed, the combined pressures of internal revolt and international ostracism brought dramatic change.
But there seems little chance that Iran will agree to this proposal unless it clearly understands that rejecting it will mean universal international ostracism.
But the protests have also been cited as one of the actions that helped lead to international ostracism of South Africa and eventually to last month's open elections.