America Online, for example, has its international numbers listed at intlaccess.
Indeed, the number of wars, civil and international, has probably averaged several dozen per year for the last 30 years.
"If you're not underground, you get a strong signal, and I don't need an international number," he said.
"I might have a problem with the international numbers if they're unlisted."
Arachnologists are served by a number of scientific societies, both national and international in scope.
Over the years, the Agreement has appeared in a number of newspapers, both national and international.
Or if you are outside the UK, send them to the international number +44 7624 800 100.
An international toll-free number for reservations will be established by the end of the year.
This led to the international number one hit, 'Believe,' which was released in 1998.
It can be searched by title, author, subject and international standard numbers.