With a highly international mix of dancers in the company, unity of style is not a given.
Over 200 men, an international mix of laborers, graded the route and laid the rails.
Club Guastavino's list of about 400 wines, many of them very inexpensive, is a judicious international mix, with 20 half bottles.
The international mix is what is most widely available and has appeared on CD.
This international mix swelled California's non-Native American population from some 14,000 in 1848 to 200,000 in 1852.
Careful study of such international mix of competent paddlers available to watch.
The Giants of Dance will feature an international mix of well-known dancers in nine works.
My peer group turned out to be an international mix, from all over the world.
The cuisine is Italian with an international mix, and the servings are ample.
And although Spoleto has not yet hung up a shingle specifically for multiculturalism, the international mix was striking.