If Washington cannot be more forthcoming, it should take up the Sudan's offer to let international investigators examine the Shifa site.
This tight association has made it nearly impossible for international investigators to penetrate.
The Security Council then warned Damascus of further action to follow unless it started providing full cooperation to international investigators.
The scientific committee consists of 23 recognized international investigators from 12 different Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean countries.
Pan Am's defense lawyers said yesterday that they will prove the suitcase containing the bomb did not come from Malta, as international investigators have claimed.
It is often visited by national and international investigators since it is includes great biological diversity.
No U.S. technology found by international investigators that could "significantly" have helped Iraq militarily.
But international investigators are perplexed at the stock response from local officials that an investigation is still under way.
China did not cooperate in a useful way with the international investigators, as its own health ministers have since acknowledged.
"We thought, as proud international investigators, we were very good at what we did," Castresana recalled.