There's also a dash of international flair from visiting artists-in-residence; Dumbo runs several such programs a year.
We opted for Western food to match the city's international flair.
The University of Illinois allows engineering students to add an international flair to their transcripts.
Over 60 percent, however, felt Hata had an international diplomatic flair.
In ads, the inclusion of a few English words has long conferred international flair.
The track was done up with an international flair, with flags of 18 nations festooning its perimeter.
Wesleyan has long been noted for its world music studies, and an international flair highlights three events this week.
Some of campers and counselors came from foreign countries, giving the camp an international flair.
Call it Southern with an international flair.
The city has an international flair, with about 3,000 foreign students and researchers from as many as 90 countries living in Tsukuba at any one time.