Carbon pollution and climate change are very abstract when you're dealing with national or international data.
This site will be an improvement, cultural officials suggest, over international data bases that are difficult to navigate and incomplete for Mexican pieces.
In a nutshell: make sure you can use the company card for that international data.
By providing us with your information you agree to such international data transfer and storage in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
Still, by working through national and international data, it's possible to piece together what's happening.
Smith would have to create a new code to tap into international personal biographical data banks.
With some international data or graphs on the wage share.
National and international bibliographic data can be fed into computers in machine-readable form.
From 1999 through 2002, the last year for which international data is available, the United States made 41.9 percent of international arms agreements.
Another research review in 2009 took international data on children's television viewing, food advertising and childhood obesity.