Those that did not would face first international censure, then boycott.
The shootings sparked international censure and nation-wide anti-foreign demonstrations and riots.
In short, Robert said: "The Kyoto protocol has very few teeth beyond international diplomatic censure."
Yet there is reason to believe that Japan is not insensitive to international censure.
The pass laws were repealed and police cruelty had brought forth international censure.
Thus the agreement could insulate Iran from international censure without hampering its nuclear progress in any way.
Now it expects Ariel Sharon to do what is necessary to protect our country - even if it means braving international censure.
Initially, at least, the Guatemalans seemed willing to face international censure.
In short, as Roberts puts it: "The Kyoto protocol has very few teeth beyond international diplomatic censure."
The operations already amount to the largest Israeli military campaign in many years, and represent a heavy investment in lives, resources and international censure.