His case has become an international cause, and for many protesters he has become the face of death row.
The display is always well attended with proceeds donated to local, national and international causes.
About 60 percent of the spending has traditionally gone for international causes, particularly fights against hunger and disease.
She is a misfit, a frustrated musician, dedicated to a life of international good causes.
Project Green is the school's environmental club that supports local and international environmental causes.
In addition a variety of national, international and local charitable causes are supported through a range of methods.
Today the most difficult and controversial questions about the depression of the 1930s concern its deeper causes, domestic and international.
With the fall of the Soviet Union, he also ceased his support for a variety of international causes.
But the mosque's international causes are only dealt with in the Koran's spirit of peace and brotherhood, he emphasized.
A portion of the show's proceeds benefits a number of local, regional, national and international causes.