Auto designers form a clique, an international brotherhood circumspect in public criticism of their peers.
Until that time, the Party had thought of itself as an international brotherhood and condemned nationalistic tendencies as 'bourgeois.'
The purpose of this relationship, at the time of its inception, was to foster a sense of international brotherhood between the two organizations.
These organisations are a bit similar to scouts, but without the international brotherhood and the peace mission.
The unlikely East Timor story is one of athletic perseverance and international brotherhood.
For bizarre idealistic reasons of his own he had elected to make his way to Tokyo in the cause of international brotherhood.
Apparently it's a special debate, sponsored by the Palestinian lobby, on international brotherhood!
It is a project that exudes international brotherhood and good will, but its primary purpose is music.
So maybe this is not exactly in keeping with the Olympic spirit of international brotherhood.
Is there an international brotherhood?