The conversion work included installation of camouflaged weapons, fitting of bunks for the sailors, creation of internal passageways leading to their stations.
But Eleanor Roosevelt did not seem to like it there, perhaps because of the internal passageway to her mother-in-law's house next door, at No. 47.
An internal passageway must be fitted, however, so that the retracting fluid is supplied to the plunger section at full extension.
Renovated extensively between 2001 and 2003, these buildings adjoin one another, have internal passageways, and function as one consolidated complex.
Also, an internal passageway just under the windows on the inside of the walls could be utilised to repel an advancing enemy.
The piers and internal passageways were also decorated with reliefs and free-standing sculptures.
None of the expeditions successfully explored the interior of the pyramid due to the internal passageways being flooded with groundwater.
The simple logic of the slaver ship's semi-obsolescent mass jettisoning design precluded complex internal passageways.
But at least the defenders were intimately familiar with the vast, labyrinthine maze of the space station's confusing internal passageways.
At that point the seven suspects were bound over and taken through an internal passageway to a holding pen in the bowels of the court complex to await arraignment.