In this context, one should think of these indices as internal rather than external measures.
So a nonprofit group needs to develop special internal measures to know whether its products are appropriate.
Insiders admit that by both external and internal measures, it has failed badly during the 1980s to live up to its promise.
In addition to the individual military punishments, the army took further internal measures to lower the risk of another insurrection.
Fixing Borland will require new products and internal measures to adjust costs to revenues, he said.
At the same time, of course, we want to continue to work on the implementation of internal measures.
During the last half of 2008 there was a dangerous drive for some protectionist internal measures in the European Union.
We have particular reservations with regard to appropriations under heading 3 - internal measures.
In following this there were various measures, external or internal, that led to his policy changes.
In contrast, students who judged themselves by more internal measures like virtue or religious faith seemed to fare better.