The dollar tumbled against most major currencies in light dealings that traders said were driven mostly by internal influences in the foreign exchange markets.
Stress is caused by internal or external influences that disrupt an individual's normal state of well-being.
Overall, interventions should generate a situation in which actors believe that they are working to internal rather than external influences on decisions.
For example, as a later section will show, phenomenologists differ in their approach from other sociologists who emphasize the importance of internal influences upon human behaviour.
Businesses face change all the time, from both internal and external influences.
Currency dealers said internal influences continued to dominate the markets, although most of the attention centered on today's release of the December trade data.
The coefficient q is called the coefficient of imitation, internal influence or word-of-mouth effect.
Hedonic motivation is the internal influences guided by a person's pleasure and pain receptors that instinctually move them towards a goal or away from a threat.
Manage change in your business Businesses face change all the time, from both internal and external influences.
However, because of homeostasis, discerning between internal and external influences is often difficult.