Hewlett-Packard executives said that at 12 percent, revenue growth for the quarter was the lowest in five years, and substantially below their internal estimates.
The administration already had an internal estimate that the cost would exceed $500 billion for that period.
It is not likely to announce a specific target for the number of jobs to be cut, but internal estimates range from 3,000 to 5,000.
Those numbers are taken from internal estimates and boxofficemojo.com.
Oracle executives said the company had achieved internal estimates.
Last week, the board signaled that it expected a substantial fourth-quarter loss, which some internal estimates have placed as high as $100 million.
The system didn't exactly fly off the shelves, and Nintendo publicly admitted that the sales weren't meeting the company's internal estimates.
This matched closely with Conrad's internal, off-the-cuff estimate, so he believed the figure at once.
The military does not release internal estimates of insurgents killed in action.
According to internal estimates, about 6 million people have died so far.