The robot's internal computers are currently being programmed so that it can find its way around the sprawling 450-bed community hospital.
Its own internal computer did most of the work, and it interfaced with the ship's central computer very easily.
It is working with the internal computer now to reroute nerve signals.
Its internal computer might be set to destroy itself, its program or memories.
There are, however, some especially sophisticated tuners in which an internal computer does the job automatically.
He ran the recorded words through an emotional analysis in his internal computers, and concluded that yes, Brenner was relieved.
Using the suit's internal computer, Gaeta made some rough calculations.
Then somebody has to enter the unit and load its internal computer with a language chip so that it can understand commands.
Come spring of 2020, he's looking at what his internal computer is saying is prime farmland.
The telescope's internal computer uses those readings to figure out where it is pointed.