Some of this object's mass merged with the Earth, significantly altering its internal composition, and a portion was ejected into space.
A more familiar example in the Western world today is the notion that non-democratic states, because of their internal composition, start wars.
Cubosomes can be designed with varying internal and external compositions in sizes ranging from 100 nm - 10μm.
Hexosomes can be designed with varying internal and external compositions in a range of sizes.
Here the internal composition and expressive strokes delineated from the geometric are essential.
Replies: Although crust elements are easier to measure directly, that does not mean we cannot deduce internal composition.
After the election, which saw the victory of Walter Veltroni, the party's internal composition was as follows:
This chapter considers, therefore, the nature of the state, its internal composition, and its relationship to the groups, classes and interests of 'civil society'.
That has repercussions for the internal composition and the representation of the interests of employees.
However, already at the municipal elections in 1887 a party named Partito Autonomo appeared, but nothing is known about its internal composition and goals.