China's oil need overwhelms its internal capabilities.
Improved internal capability through people development and better processes to realise the benefits of innovative procurement and share best practice across Government and with suppliers.
Once the business risks are recognized attention turns to schedule and timing, where organizations assess current internal capabilities.
ViS' platform also allows research centers to provide technical information about their expertise and internal capabilities in conducting trials within specific disease areas.
Such adjustments, however, can only be made if firms invest in their internal capabilities.
The tabs serve as a task switcher that integrates with Android's internal multitasking capabilities.
The conclusion may derive instead from a general scepticism about all our perceptual capabilities, internal and external, and also a certain amount of fast philosophy.
We call the brain's internal capabilities Intelligence'.
"This is an area in which Bay Networks had no internal capability."
Lane also gave attention to improving the ICC's internal capabilities.