These earlier units contained a greater number of internal adjustments and were slightly more difficult to calibrate.
To change those times, technicians would have to visit every customer's meter to make internal adjustments.
At the time Tietmeyer forecast that the common currency would lead to painful internal economic adjustments for member states with trade deficits cumulating into debt.
The authorities have also not discarded the possibility that the massacre was the result of an "internal adjustment" between the Mexican criminal organizations.
"You asked me yesterday why I use an old two-inch Unertl on this gun, instead of a more modern scope with internal adjustments."
Aimpoint Mark III (1983) - first model to have internal adjustments.
It makes good business sense to constantly analyze the competition and make internal adjustments that will enable you to compete more successfully.
He made an internal adjustment, managed to appear almost congenial.
"The Dow refuses to go down, even in its overbought position, as it makes internal adjustments through rotation."
The real estate man talked nonstop, continually forcing internal adjustment of the cabin's carbon-dioxide monitors.