It happens because of intermolecular attraction between like-molecules.
Chains possessing groups which encourage strong intermolecular attraction thereby stabilizing the alignment.
Such a deviation is evidence for stronger intermolecular attraction between the constituents of the mixture than exists in the pure components.
While earthing (grounding) the camera can help reduce the problem of electrostatic dust it does not reduce intermolecular attraction.
The actual origin of the intermolecular attraction has no bearing on the energetics of the condensation of a gas.
As they approach, they accelerate due to the intermolecular attraction.
Cohesion is an intermolecular attraction between like molecules (other water molecules in this case).
Because the intermolecular attractions strongly correlate with distance, the closer the interacting molecules are together, the stronger the attraction.
The interaction of the bond dipoles of neighboring molecules produces intermolecular attractions.
Then the intermolecular attractions known as van der Waals forces take over, fixing the pinion in place relative to the rack.