After a long formal dinner accompanied by interminable speeches and entertainments, the Enterprise team was finally escorted to the quarters assigned to them for the duration of their mission.
Twice during Pharaoh's interminable speech from the throne, I found myself swaying on my feet, on the very point of fainting.
But his interminable speeches had little effect against the maneuvers of the clergy.
He nodded appreciatively through each of the President's interminable speeches.
Mr. Sparks recalls the numbing boredom of having to report Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd's abstruse and interminable speeches.
Will it be any more exciting than the interminable speech?
He was about to engage in one of his interminable ducal speeches, trying to inspire them about all the good things in their lives.
At the dinner, which was very bad, I sat at a table so remote that I could hear but little of the interminable speeches, which was perhaps fortunate for me.
Even then she had never been content to sit with the other cubs through the interminable boasting speeches of the elder males.
He was renowned for making interminable speeches, his sibilant, pedantic tones so low that listeners had to lean forward to catch what he said.