The Salvadoran Army is dependent on Washington, which with the evaporation of East-West rivalry is no longer willing to fund an interminable conflict.
Serbia's power subsequently dwindled amid interminable conflict between the nobility, rendering the country unable to resist the steady incursion of the Ottoman Empire into south-eastern Europe.
Through decades of interminable conflict, Israelis and Palestinians have seen the same hillsides, houses and hopes through completely different lenses.
The interminable conflicts with the board have produced "tremendous strain" for himself and his staff, he said.
Now, in "Mi Sangre," he has returned to a theme that has driven his music: anguish over the interminable conflict in Colombia.
He does not interpret this to mean it is an earlier war, but rather a future war of long duration: an interminable, civilization-destroying conflict.
With multiple groups proclaiming their own good, the stage is set for interminable conflict.
The infant state raises hopes that one of Africa's seemingly interminable conflicts is at last over.
I CANNOT judge the rights and wrongs of this interminable conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
The third signal should, in our view, involve the interminable and dramatic conflict in the Middle East.