L. Wolfe Gilbert, composer (original interment site)
Cemeteries include the Belvidere Cemetery (Richard S. Molony's interment site) and St. James Catholic Cemetery.
A memorial tree or bush can be placed above the interment site.
Nor can he find information on Cox's family, branch of military service, church affiliation, place and cause of death, or interment site.
Legend has it that the area was a possible interment site of Francis Drake's mythical treasure.
The complex contains mausoleums, crematoria, columbaria, and interment sites for the more traditional.
Cemetery applicants are required, among other things, to (1) pay a filing fee and (2) show proof of a cemetery map showing all interment sites.
In addition, cemeteries are required to keep record of (1) every burial that shows the date, name, and location and (2) every interment site or right sold.
Cemeteries must maintain a cemetery map detailing the location of interment sites.
Lincoln and Jefferson must be causing significant perturbation in their interment sites.