This plant requires a warm or intermediate temperature, in full light or partial shade.
This species can be grown in pots and prefers intermediate temperatures and moderate to bright light.
Keep plant in moderately shaded area with intermediate temperatures around 30F to 88F and humidity of 60 to 80%.
The plants grow well in intermediate temperatures, with winter nights from 55 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit and days of 58 to 75.
Historically: "64" indicated a short lived series with an intermediate 'industrial' temperature range.
This species is easy to grow and generally prefers intermediate temperatures and moderate light.
Ideal growth conditions require an intermediate temperature and exposure to filtered sunlight.
They also eliminated the time spent at the intermediate temperature, figuring the samples will pass through there long enough on their way between the two extremes.
The sequence has a cold end and a hot end while intermediate stages have intermediate temperatures.
The Sun is a main sequence G2V yellow dwarf of intermediate temperature and ordinary size.