Thirty-five percent of the people have an intermediate outcome.
In people with a first episode of psychosis a good long-term outcome occurs in 42%, an intermediate outcome in 35% and a poor outcome in 27%.
In these cases, intermediate or shorter-term outcomes may be identified that provide an indication of progress toward the ultimate long-term outcome.
A method for illustrating the intermediate and final outcomes which may arise after the occurrence of a selected initial event (Reference 5).
It is revealed in the text that there were in fact three sets of results from the simulation; a best-, intermediate- and worst-case outcome.
In cases of adolescent anorexia nervosa that utilize family-based treatment 75% of patients have a good outcome and an additional 15% show an intermediate yet more positive outcome.
The intermediate outcomes of the NZDF are listed as:
Cellular variant shows similar clinical presentation to collapsing and glomerular tip variant but has intermediate outcomes between these two variants.
A central difficulty is that intermediate outcomes both depend on previous treatments and determine subsequent treatment.
Effects on intermediate outcomes (for example, lipids and blood pressure) were mixed and small.