The ribbed pot, on three ball-and-claw feet, contains an interior compartment for hot coals, to keep the tea warm.
It is used extensively aboard automobiles, and can be found anywhere the interior compartment must be sealed from the environment.
We've also succeeded in developing filters to keep most gases out of the interior compartments of our fighting vehicles.
In an interior compartment which hooked to the top of the case were his passport and an envelope containing $2,000 in fifty dollar bills.
There's also an interior compartment to protect folded-over hanging clothes.
The temperature became more elevated in the more interior compartments of this device.
They had heard the ballast tanks refill; this could only mean interior compartments were filling with water.
All Miele preservation appliances have a dedicated cooling system responsible for each interior compartment.
Cuzana lifted the top of the model and it came apart in sections, showing interior compartments.
Later, he would transfer it to the shockproof interior compartment of the boom box.