On the way to the car, he is asked if the interferon treatment helps.
One of the most common is irritation at the injection site for glatiramer acetate and the interferon treatments.
See what you need to know about interferon treatment.
Future studies might elucidate whether these serious side effects relate to dose and/or duration of the interferon treatment.
Discuss the benefits and side effects of interferon treatment with your doctor.
Although a month's supply of Peg-Intron has only one-third as many doses, it costs about $1,000, double the price of the unpegylated interferon treatment.
Doctors turned to experimental interferon treatments, though their effectiveness against osteogenic sarcoma was unknown.
The success of interferon treatment for hepatitis B depends on how treatment success is defined.
HCV infection can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer if interferon treatment fails.
Since then, however, some doctors have argued that interferon treatment does not prolong survival or decrease the rate of relapse, but only causes harmful side effects.