It had been an interesting task, this exploration into the adventurous life of his uncle.
So it went; the survivors were too preoccupied with their own delicate and interesting tasks to care.
Such people procrastinate to make an otherwise boring task more interesting.
Not that it had been a terribly interesting task, anyway.
This would often be in the form of an attractive and interesting single task for either existing or new characters to resolve.
They can be constrained, as in image analogies, to perform many interesting tasks.
And then there are always interesting little tasks relating to the extensive body of his past work, some 57 movies over 53 years.
Untangling them from our legal system would be quite an interesting task.
Until the end of his life on 21 March 1871 he was devoted to this interesting and creative task.
Setting up a system that is so universal and yet reasonably simple will be an interesting task for the digital technology experts.