The play has six roles, and the production offers six singularly interesting performances.
But what made the performance especially interesting for grownups was the opportunity to see a new cast in the leading roles.
In fact, many of the most interesting performances this year came from nonactors playing imaginary people a lot like themselves.
Each year professional and amateur theaters from the whole Lithuania show the most interesting performance they have created.
Although not as much a fall spectacular, the native American dogwood puts on an interesting performance now, too.
The film earned him attention as a director who could get interesting performances from established Hollywood actors.
She came breathlessly alive in my arms; it was an interesting performance, as a display of technique.
"That was an interesting performance," Howell said when the last of the cadets were gone.
"Now that would be an interesting performance, right at the turn of the millennium."
As usual with this unpredictable, mercurial composer-conductor, he provides a most interesting performance.