With Lyta, they make for an interesting and unusual pairing, and each one will have to learn from the other during their travels.
It's an interesting pairing.
She's awesome, and Nick and Gabi are an interesting pairing.
It even opened for comedian Steve Martin in one of the interesting pairings in Quill lore.
The curators say the exhibition will highlight many interesting pairings and sensibilities.
The couples concept made for some interesting pairings: husbands with wives, fathers with daughters, brothers with sisters, and still others paired by computer.
The new Qualifier system threw up an interesting pairing in the All-Ireland final.
There are going to be some fun, very exciting, interesting and stressful pairings.
It is at least a long word, like "Guantánamo" and "Cinderella" (an interesting pairing, if ever there was one).
In addition to the usual mix of big bands, combos, pianists and singers, there are some interesting pairings this weekend.